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My Politics

I've voted for the Libertarians the last 10 elections for President. I do not believe in the Republinuts or the Democraps, or, the big media that supports them.

Because of the above - my views, IMO, are the real independent; THE `Eagle' views, and not the `centrist' `independent' views of those that alternate between the Jackass and the Elephant.

Thanks for checking out my politics blog.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Times Square Billboard From NORML Denied By CBS

The control of the peons opinions continues - shamelessly - as in this example - http://blog.norml.org/2010/02/05/times-square-billboard-from-norml-denied-by-cbs/ --- Free speech -- Real Heavy Politics.

http://www.whatawaytogomovie.com/2010/02/05/the-year-we-make-contact/ I certainly could have put this onto Barf Stew or AnomalyMan -- but - it links to my UFO blog and has a strong politics angle to it. Enjoy.

China Defaulting Loans Soar, Insolvency Lawyer Says (Update1) - http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601080&sid=aJhBD4AeX8WA Yes, the China folks had a real estate bubble too. Real Heavy Politics.

A Radical Solution to End the Drug War: Legalize Everything - http://www.esquire.com/the-side/richardson-report/drug-war-facts-090109?src=LOVEdrugs Radical only to a pussywhipped media.

Secret Banking Cabal Emerges From AIG Shadows - http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601039&sid=aaIuE.W8RAuU - Must read story, from Bloomberg, that the rest of the MSM seems not interested in much - how surprising. From the article:

"Yet when unelected and unaccountable agencies pick banking winners while trying to end-run Congress, even as taxpayers are forced to lend, spend and guarantee about $8 trillion to prop up the financial system, our collective blood should boil. "

Marijuana in the classroom? Sometimes it's legal - http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2010/0123/Marijuana-in-the-classroom-Sometimes-it-s-legal Another radical story from Christian Science Monitor.

Joe Rogan on Hemp, Marijuana and DMT - Worth Your Click

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