Normally, up until now, I had viewed Glenn Beck as someone I could, in general, agree with. He had smidgens of a Libertarian streak, seemed to dislike big government, and expressed points of view not heard daily - especially when he was on CNN. However, my opinion is now completely different - and, all because of Katie Couric. Life is full of surprises.
As you will see in the video below - Katie asked a very very simple question and one that Beck should have known would have been asked. And, all she did was simply ask the question repeatedly looking for an answer. The result, is 3 minutes of video that you will never ever forget. Indeed, I had always thought of Katie Couric as the NON epitome of a `journalist' - someone who should only be doing funny animal stories at best. But, after you see Beck squirm and fidget and virtually beg for the question to end - you will understand that it is BECK who is the person in the super lightweight category ------ IS HE REALLY THIS MINDLESS?
Edit - 10/8 --> A friend sent me this:
"White Culture? This is the euro wig wearing foundations of the country called America. The big money player/plantation owners (WashAdJefMadMon...) who were interested in the milk & honey land grab. It evolved into the railway manifest destiny profit mongering pilfering of more land. Savages just a bit above a beast to be removed to a reservation. Their sacred land? A fitting place to carve the figure heads of these white so called "leaders". Morphing into the slimy oil gas industrialists(white men) who further destroy any natural habitat with more greed and profit as "the american way". This is the "white culture" of suit and tie all powerful businessmen who chainsaw 1,000 year old redwood trees for a patio deck to prop their fat white ass on and sip martinis after a nice round of golf sprayed with pesticide to keep it green and thus our 2000 year old dilemma, the roots of this so called great "civilized" Greco-Roman culture that rolls on its destructive course of zero collecting profit making at the expense of anything sane! This in my opinion is "White Culture".
Here's some other links for you to ponder today: This is another link to the video if the YouTube video above doesn't work.
Waking up to discover the mortgage market was a giant criminal enterprise - Ultimately, this could turn out to be the BIGGEST story of the year if not decade. Did the bank which holds your mortgage use this (what is the key to the story) to obtain the mortgage? IF so, it's possible they don't have authority to foreclose.
Police Discover World's Most Expensive Marijuana - Now, picture this -- a BIG drug raid turns up ONE plant of marijuana. What to do? Just declare the pot the most expensive type ever --- one worth 12 times the highest price ever paid. Laughable if it wasn't so sick. New healthcare `reform' will make millions a new criminal class - with fines and jail time for those who don't buy into the package. Worthless politicians at their finest. The revival of debtors prisons for 21st century America - how is that Hope and Change working out? Here is a very strange story about what cocaine is `cut' with these days - somehow, this story just doesn't add up.
WATCH: DoJ Official Blows Cover Off PATRIOT Act Read more at: From the article "In the debate over the PATRIOT Act, the Bush White House insisted it needed the authority to search people's homes without their permission or knowledge so that terrorists wouldn't be tipped off that they're under investigation.
Now that the authority is law, how has the Department of Justice used the new power? To go after drug dealers.
Only three of the 763 "sneak-and-peek" requests in fiscal year 2008 involved terrorism cases, according to a July 2009 report from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. Sixty-five percent were drug cases." Anyone, who expected more out of our politicians is just foolish.
Today's fun link: The world of 1890 - take a time trip today.
Bloated Government, Totally Worthless Politicians - And, It Gets Worse From There (UPDATE) And Now We Have Trump/Biden
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Because of the above - my views, IMO, are the real independent; THE `Eagle' views, and not the `centrist' `independent' views of those that alternate between the Jackass and the Elephant.
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Sunday, September 27, 2009
Lightweight Katie Couric Nails Glenn Beck
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