Popular Posts In The Past Week
As you know, pot is used by the population for a variety of reasons - from getting high recreationally, to pain relief, as a sleep aid and m...
Blowback indeed. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/opinionla/la-oew-perri2-2010feb02,0,1124601.story couldn't happen to a nicer group...
The control of the peons opinions continues - shamelessly - as in this example - http://blog.norml.org/2010/02/05/times-square-billboard-fro...
Hello, welcome to Real Heavy Politics @ Blogspot - thanks for visiting. As some of you may know, I have a blog about UFO Disclosure and even...
If you read my sidebar you can see my politics - I detest both political parties and the system they have set up for their own power. That f...
Decades Ago, there was a High Times magazine cover that had a question posed to a baseball star - the question was something like - If Bowie...
To me, one of the things the media doesn't bother to put emphasis on - is the sucking sound that was caused by the folks and banks in Ca...
My Politics
I've voted for the Libertarians the last 10 elections for President. I do not believe in the Republinuts or the Democraps, or, the big media that supports them.
Because of the above - my views, IMO, are the real independent; THE `Eagle' views, and not the `centrist' `independent' views of those that alternate between the Jackass and the Elephant.
Thanks for checking out my politics blog.
It's to everyone's benefit that some folks put together the information like this -- even if it pulls the fear blanket behind it.... seems that in the Bush era that the big G developed a list of 8 million folks that just might need to be rounded up.... you know, those folks that just 'can't go along':
Wikipedia Says This About 'Main Core'